It can be challenging to upgrade and sustain a new, healthier lifestyle. Join Mucusless Diet Healing System expert, jazz musician, author, and educator Prof. Spira for a weekly podcast about the most revolutionary and world-changing lifestyle on the planet. If you are interested in natural healing, starting or maintaining a plant-based diet, or simply want to plug into some good vibes about mucus-free living, this podcast is for you.

Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Prof. Spira & Brother Air discuss their thoughts on current events. These times have been tough for all of us financially. Prof. Spira and Brother Air are both musicians, and rely on playing music for people in public. If you enjoy the video, and you can afford it, we would greatly appreciate you sharing your love through a donation: PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/mucusfreelife CashApp: $ProfessorSpira Thank you! #WholeBravenewWorld Video: https://www.facebook.com/pro.spira/videos/2726607294225622/ Today, Pandemic Drones. Tomorrow . . . Video: https://www.instagram.com/p/B_VwDIZFhx8/ Demonstration at the Ohio Statehouse: https://youtu.be/qkgFClgqr1w. To see the Mucus-free Townhall Meeting Outline, click here: https://www.mucusfreelife.com/universal-vaccination-prevention *** Enroll in the Mucusless Diet Healing System eCourse: http://bit.ly/MDHS-eCourse Download the Top 10 Mucus-free Foods List & Menu-Planning Guide FREE: http://bit.ly/free-recipes-and-guide-1 Transform your health with the Mucusless Diet today!: http://bit.ly/mucusless-books-bundle Get Mucus-free Books on Amazon: http://bit.ly/prof-spira-amazon-author General Disclaimer: The content found in this video and associated websites are based upon the opinions and research of Prof. Spira and his guests, and is strictly for informational and educational purposes only. The content is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a licensed healthcare professional or licensed dietitian, and is not intended as medical advice. Prof. Spira is not a medical practitioner or licensed dietitian and does not hold academic degrees in fields related to medicine, nutrition, or healthcare. You are encouraged to consult with the appropriate professionals before beginning any exercise, weight loss, or dietary program. This video and accompanying text is a sharing of personal experiences, opinions, and information about practicing a mucusless or mucus-free diet based on the works of Prof. Arnold Ehret. https://www.mucusfreelife.com